Lucky Star Wiki

Fuyuki Amahara is the nurse of the Private Ryōō Gakuen High School, she doesn't make any appearance in the anime but her office is referenced several times. She is often depicted as a kind and gentle person, with dark brown hair, golden eyes, slender physique.

Miyuki Takara seems to get along with her very well, perhaps because of her seemingly perfect health. She is also known to be quite familiar with both Minami Iwasaki and Yutaka Kobayakawa, and she is also childhood friends with Hikaru Sakuraba.

One occurance of Hiyori's notes focuses on Fuyuki in the fourth book of manga. It reveals that Fuyuki is not only the "Health Office Chief" that she also "Teaches health and fitness...". It is also revealed that she likes tea, ancient art, and occult horror; while it is also revealed that she doesn't like boats as she can't swim.

In the fifth volume of the manga, Fuyuki is depicted once again. She is introduced on one page as the "(School's) Nice Older Sister". Also the fifth volume expands on Fuyuki and Hikaru's relationship with each other; where it is depicted that their friendship may be similar to the one shared by Konata and Kagami's relationship with each other, in respects to one keeping the other grounded. In this case it would be Fuyuki keeping Sakuraba grounded (This is illustrated in the manga strip Temperament)




  • Her favorite color is white
  • "Hiyori's notes" notes that there are rumors which state that Fuyuki is "very rich"
  • She is the Faculty Adviser of the Tea Club.
  • According to a character quote in Lucky Star volume 6 Fuyuki may have a background in antiquing and also has at least a mild interest in paranormal activities. (see below)
  • Apparently Fuyuki's eyes seem to change color as the manga progresses. Her eyes are initially shown as yellow but was later revealed to be purple in the later mangas.


By Fuyuki

  • "Today looks like it will be a very good day. I might even find some of the antiques I've been searching for......Ah, but there's a chance of paranormal events cropping up with antiques. (It makes me a little excited)" (Lucky Star volume 6, Bandai release, pg. 068)