Lucky Star Wiki

Yukina Utsumi

Yukina Utsumi (内海(うつみ)ゆきな) is Hikage Miyakawa 's classmate. She debuts in Episode 4 of Miyakawa-ke no Kufuku.

She is voiced by Madoka Sowa.

Appearence and Personality[]

Yukina has dark, mint-green, short hair and has golden eyes. She is called "yukkī" by Hikage and "ūnya"(うーにゃ) by Erika, and is shy. Daisuke is her childhood friend. She keeps some dogs as pets.


  • The name Yukina is written in hiragana (ゆきな), which has no special meaning. However, when written in kanji (夕貴奈 or 雪菜), it could possibly mean:
    • 夕貴奈 - "evening" (夕) (yu), "valuable" (貴) (ki) and "apple tree" (奈) (na).
    • 雪菜 - "snow" (雪) (yuki) and "vegetables, greens" (菜) (na).
  • Yukina's surname Utsumi means "inland sea/Inland Sea, cove, bay, inlet, gulf, creek" (内海).

